Additional examples

The following examples are included in the SimPy source distribution.


from SimPy.Simulation import Process, activate, hold, initialize, now, simulate

class Car(Process):
    def __init__(self, name, cc):
        Process.__init__(self, name=name) = cc

    def go(self):
        print('%s %s %s' % (now(),, 'Starting'))
        yield hold, self, 100.0
        print('%s %s %s' % (now(),, 'Arrived'))

c1 = Car('Car1', 2000)                # a new car
activate(c1, c1.go(), at=6.0)    # activate at time 6.0
c2 = Car('Car2', 1600)                # another new car
activate(c2, c2.go())                # activate at time 0
print('Current time is %s' % now())    # will print 106.0


0 Car2 Starting
6.0 Car1 Starting
100.0 Car2 Arrived
106.0 Car1 Arrived
Current time is 106.0


from SimPy.SimulationTrace import (Process, activate, initialize, hold, now,

class Car(Process):
    def __init__(self, name, cc):
        Process.__init__(self, name=name) = cc

    def go(self):
        print('%s %s %s' % (now(),, 'Starting'))
        yield hold, self, 100.0
        print('%s %s %s' % (now(),, 'Arrived'))

c1 = Car('Car1', 2000)                # a new car
activate(c1, c1.go(), at=6.0)    # activate at time 6.0
c2 = Car('Car2', 1600)                # another new car
activate(c2, c2.go())                # activate at time 0
print('Current time is %s' % now())    # will print 106.0


0 activate <Car1> at time: 6.0 prior: False
0 activate <Car2> at time: 0 prior: False
0 Car2 Starting
0 hold <Car2> delay: 100.0
6.0 Car1 Starting
6.0 hold <Car1> delay: 100.0
100.0 Car2 Arrived
100.0 <Car2> terminated
106.0 Car1 Arrived
106.0 <Car1> terminated
Current time is 106.0


from SimPy.Simulation import (Process, Resource, activate, initialize, hold,
                              now, release, request, simulate)

class Car(Process):
    def __init__(self, name, cc):
        Process.__init__(self, name=name) = cc

    def go(self):
        print('%s %s %s' % (now(),, 'Starting'))
        yield request, self, gasstation
        print('%s %s %s' % (now(),, 'Got a pump'))
        yield hold, self, 100.0
        yield release, self, gasstation
        print('%s %s %s' % (now(),, 'Leaving'))

gasstation = Resource(capacity=2, name='gasStation', unitName='pump')
c1 = Car('Car1', 2000)
c2 = Car('Car2', 1600)
c3 = Car('Car3', 3000)
c4 = Car('Car4', 1600)
activate(c1, c1.go(), at=4.0)  # activate at time 4.0
activate(c2, c2.go())          # activate at time 0.0
activate(c3, c3.go(), at=3.0)  # activate at time 3.0
activate(c4, c4.go(), at=3.0)  # activate at time 2.0
print('Current time is %s' % now())


0 Car2 Starting
0 Car2 Got a pump
3.0 Car3 Starting
3.0 Car3 Got a pump
3.0 Car4 Starting
4.0 Car1 Starting
100.0 Car2 Leaving
100.0 Car4 Got a pump
103.0 Car3 Leaving
103.0 Car1 Got a pump
200.0 Car4 Leaving
203.0 Car1 Leaving
Current time is 203.0


from SimPy.SimulationTrace import (Process, Resource, activate, initialize,
                                   hold, now, release, request, simulate)

class Car(Process):
    def __init__(self, name, cc):
        Process.__init__(self, name=name) = cc

    def go(self):
        print('%s %s %s' % (now(),, 'Starting'))
        yield request, self, gasstation
        print('%s %s %s' % (now(),, 'Got a pump'))
        yield hold, self, 100.0
        yield release, self, gasstation
        print('%s %s %s' % (now(),, 'Leaving'))

gasstation = Resource(capacity=2, name='gasStation', unitName='pump')
c1 = Car('Car1', 2000)
c2 = Car('Car2', 1600)
c3 = Car('Car3', 3000)
c4 = Car('Car4', 1600)
activate(c1, c1.go(), at=4.0)  # activate at time 4.0
activate(c2, c2.go())          # activate at time 0.0
activate(c3, c3.go(), at=3.0)  # activate at time 3.0
activate(c4, c4.go(), at=3.0)  # activate at time 2.0
print('Current time is %s' % now())


0 activate <Car1> at time: 4.0 prior: False
0 activate <Car2> at time: 0 prior: False
0 activate <Car3> at time: 3.0 prior: False
0 activate <Car4> at time: 3.0 prior: False
0 Car2 Starting
0 request <Car2> <gasStation> priority: default
. . .waitQ: []
. . .activeQ: ['Car2']
0 Car2 Got a pump
0 hold <Car2> delay: 100.0
3.0 Car3 Starting
3.0 request <Car3> <gasStation> priority: default
. . .waitQ: []
. . .activeQ: ['Car2', 'Car3']
3.0 Car3 Got a pump
3.0 hold <Car3> delay: 100.0
3.0 Car4 Starting
3.0 request <Car4> <gasStation> priority: default
. . .waitQ: ['Car4']
. . .activeQ: ['Car2', 'Car3']
4.0 Car1 Starting
4.0 request <Car1> <gasStation> priority: default
. . .waitQ: ['Car4', 'Car1']
. . .activeQ: ['Car2', 'Car3']
100.0 reactivate <Car4> time: 100.0 prior: 1
100.0 release <Car2> <gasStation>
. . .waitQ: ['Car1']
. . .activeQ: ['Car3', 'Car4']
100.0 Car2 Leaving
100.0 <Car2> terminated
100.0 Car4 Got a pump
100.0 hold <Car4> delay: 100.0
103.0 reactivate <Car1> time: 103.0 prior: 1
103.0 release <Car3> <gasStation>
. . .waitQ: []
. . .activeQ: ['Car4', 'Car1']
103.0 Car3 Leaving
103.0 <Car3> terminated
103.0 Car1 Got a pump
103.0 hold <Car1> delay: 100.0
200.0 release <Car4> <gasStation>
. . .waitQ: []
. . .activeQ: ['Car1']
200.0 Car4 Leaving
200.0 <Car4> terminated
203.0 release <Car1> <gasStation>
. . .waitQ: []
. . .activeQ: []
203.0 Car1 Leaving
203.0 <Car1> terminated
Current time is 203.0


from SimPy.Simulation import (Process, SimEvent, Store, activate, get,
                              initialize, hold, now, put, simulate, waitevent)
"""Carwash is master"""

class Carwash(Process):
    """Carwash is master"""

    def __init__(self, name):
        Process.__init__(self, name=name)

    def lifecycle(self):
        while True:
            yield get, self, waitingCars, 1
            carBeingWashed =[0]
            yield hold, self, washtime

class Car(Process):
    """Car is slave"""

    def __init__(self, name):
        Process.__init__(self, name=name)
        self.doneSignal = SimEvent()

    def lifecycle(self):
        yield put, self, waitingCars, [self]
        yield waitevent, self, self.doneSignal
        whichWash = self.doneSignal.signalparam
        print('%s car %s done by %s' % (now(),, whichWash))

class CarGenerator(Process):
    def generate(self):
        i = 0
        while True:
            yield hold, self, 2
            c = Car('%d' % i)
            activate(c, c.lifecycle())
            i += 1

washtime = 5

# put four cars into the queue of waiting cars
for j in range(1, 5):
    c = Car(name='%d' % -j)
    activate(c, c.lifecycle())

waitingCars = Store(capacity=40)
for i in range(2):
    cw = Carwash('Carwash %s' % i)
    activate(cw, cw.lifecycle())

cg = CarGenerator()
activate(cg, cg.generate())
print('waitingCars %s' % [ for x in waitingCars.theBuffer])


5 car -1 done by Carwash 0
5 car -2 done by Carwash 1
10 car -3 done by Carwash 0
10 car -4 done by Carwash 1
15 car 0 done by Carwash 0
15 car 1 done by Carwash 1
20 car 2 done by Carwash 0
20 car 3 done by Carwash 1
25 car 4 done by Carwash 0
25 car 5 done by Carwash 1
30 car 6 done by Carwash 0
30 car 7 done by Carwash 1
waitingCars ['10', '11', '12', '13', '14']


from SimPy.Simulation import (Process, activate, hold, initialize, now,
                              reactivate, simulate)

class Bus(Process):

    def operate(self, repairduration, triplength):  # PEM
        tripleft = triplength                   # time needed to finish trip
        while tripleft > 0:
            yield hold, self, tripleft         # try to finish the trip
            if self.interrupted():             # if another breakdown occurs
                print('%s at %s' % (, now()))
                tripleft = self.interruptLeft   # time to finish the trip
                self.interruptReset()           # end interrupt state
                reactivate(br, delay=repairduration)  # restart breakdown br
                yield hold, self, repairduration      # delay for repairs
                print('Bus repaired at %s' % now())
                break  # no more breakdowns, bus finished trip
        print('Bus has arrived at %s' % now())

class Breakdown(Process):
    def __init__(self, myBus):
        Process.__init__(self, name='Breakdown ' +
        self.bus = myBus

    def breakBus(self, interval):       # process execution method
        while True:
            yield hold, self, interval  # breakdown interarrivals
            if self.bus.terminated():
            self.interrupt(self.bus)    # breakdown to myBus

b = Bus('Bus')      # create a bus object
activate(b, b.operate(repairduration=20, triplength=1000))
br = Breakdown(b)   # create breakdown br to bus b
activate(br, br.breakBus(300))
print('SimPy: No more events at time %s' % now())


Breakdown Bus at 300
Bus repaired at 320
Breakdown Bus at 620
Bus repaired at 640
Breakdown Bus at 940
Bus repaired at 960
Bus has arrived at 1060
SimPy: No more events at time 1260


from SimPy.Simulation import (PriorityQ, Process, Resource, activate,
                              initialize, hold, now, release, request,

class Client(Process):
    def __init__(self, name):
        Process.__init__(self, name)

    def getserved(self, servtime, priority, myServer):
        print('%s requests 1 unit at t=%s' % (, now()))
        yield request, self, myServer, priority
        yield hold, self, servtime
        yield release, self, myServer
        print('%s done at t=%s' % (, now()))

# create the *server* Resource object
server = Resource(capacity=1, qType=PriorityQ, preemptable=1)
# create some Client process objects
c1 = Client(name='c1')
c2 = Client(name='c2')
activate(c1, c1.getserved(servtime=100, priority=1, myServer=server), at=0)
activate(c2, c2.getserved(servtime=100, priority=9, myServer=server), at=50)


c1 requests 1 unit at t=0
c2 requests 1 unit at t=50
c2 done at t=150
c1 done at t=200


from SimPy.Simulation import Process, activate, initialize, hold, now, simulate

class Firework(Process):

    def execute(self):
        print('%s firework launched' % now())
        yield hold, self, 10.0  # wait 10.0 time units
        for i in range(10):
            yield hold, self, 1.0
            print('%s tick' % now())
        yield hold, self, 10.0  # wait another 10.0 time units
        print('%s Boom!!' % now())

f = Firework()  # create a Firework object, and
# activate it (with some default parameters)
activate(f, f.execute(), at=0.0)


0 firework launched
11.0 tick
12.0 tick
13.0 tick
14.0 tick
15.0 tick
16.0 tick
17.0 tick
18.0 tick
19.0 tick
20.0 tick
30.0 Boom!!


from random import normalvariate, seed
from SimPy.Simulation import (Level, Process, activate, get, initialize, hold,
                              now, put, simulate)

class Deliver(Process):
    def deliver(self):  # an "offeror" PEM
        while True:
            lead = 10.0      # time between refills
            delivery = 10.0  # amount in each refill
            yield put, self, stock, delivery
            print('at %6.4f, add %6.4f units, now amount = %6.4f' %
                  (now(), delivery, stock.amount))
            yield hold, self, lead

class Demand(Process):
    stockout = 0.0     # initialize initial stockout amount

    def demand(self):  # a "requester" PEM
        day = 1.0      # set time-step to one day
        while True:
            yield hold, self, day
            dd = normalvariate(1.20, 0.20)  # today's random demand
            ds = dd - stock.amount
            # excess of demand over current stock amount
            if dd > stock.amount:     # can't supply requested amount
                yield get, self, stock, stock.amount
                # supply all available amount
                self.stockout += ds
                # add unsupplied demand to self.stockout
                print('day %6.4f, demand = %6.4f, shortfall = %6.4f' %
                      (now(), dd, -ds))
            else:  # can supply requested amount
                yield get, self, stock, dd
                print('day %6.4f, supplied %6.4f, now amount = %6.4f' %
                      (now(), dd, stock.amount))

stock = Level(monitored=True)    # 'unbounded' capacity and other defaults


offeror = Deliver()
activate(offeror, offeror.deliver())
requester = Demand()
activate(requester, requester.demand())


result = (stock.bufferMon.mean(), requester.stockout)
print('Summary of results through end of day %6.4f:' % int(now()))
print('average stock = %6.4f, cumulative stockout = %6.4f' % result)


at 0.0000, add 10.0000 units, now amount = 10.0000
day 1.0000, supplied 1.0115, now amount = 8.9885
day 2.0000, supplied 1.1377, now amount = 7.8508
day 3.0000, supplied 0.7743, now amount = 7.0766
day 4.0000, supplied 1.4056, now amount = 5.6709
day 5.0000, supplied 0.9736, now amount = 4.6973
day 6.0000, supplied 1.1061, now amount = 3.5912
day 7.0000, supplied 1.4067, now amount = 2.1845
day 8.0000, supplied 1.2884, now amount = 0.8961
day 9.0000, demand = 1.4426, shortfall = -0.5465
at 10.0000, add 10.0000 units, now amount = 10.0000
day 10.0000, supplied 1.5850, now amount = 8.4150
day 11.0000, supplied 0.7974, now amount = 7.6176
day 12.0000, supplied 0.8854, now amount = 6.7323
day 13.0000, supplied 1.4893, now amount = 5.2430
day 14.0000, supplied 1.0522, now amount = 4.1908
day 15.0000, supplied 1.0492, now amount = 3.1416
day 16.0000, supplied 1.2013, now amount = 1.9403
day 17.0000, supplied 1.4026, now amount = 0.5377
day 18.0000, demand = 1.0874, shortfall = -0.5497
day 19.0000, demand = 1.3043, shortfall = -1.3043
at 20.0000, add 10.0000 units, now amount = 10.0000
day 20.0000, supplied 1.2737, now amount = 8.7263
day 21.0000, supplied 0.9550, now amount = 7.7713
day 22.0000, supplied 1.3646, now amount = 6.4067
day 23.0000, supplied 0.8629, now amount = 5.5438
day 24.0000, supplied 1.2893, now amount = 4.2545
day 25.0000, supplied 1.1897, now amount = 3.0648
day 26.0000, supplied 0.9708, now amount = 2.0940
day 27.0000, supplied 1.1397, now amount = 0.9543
day 28.0000, demand = 1.1286, shortfall = -0.1743
day 29.0000, demand = 0.8891, shortfall = -0.8891
at 30.0000, add 10.0000 units, now amount = 10.0000
day 30.0000, supplied 0.9496, now amount = 9.0504
day 31.0000, supplied 1.1515, now amount = 7.8988
day 32.0000, supplied 1.3724, now amount = 6.5264
day 33.0000, supplied 0.6977, now amount = 5.8287
day 34.0000, supplied 1.2291, now amount = 4.5996
day 35.0000, supplied 1.3502, now amount = 3.2494
day 36.0000, supplied 1.0396, now amount = 2.2098
day 37.0000, supplied 1.3442, now amount = 0.8656
day 38.0000, demand = 1.0919, shortfall = -0.2263
day 39.0000, demand = 1.4077, shortfall = -1.4077
at 40.0000, add 10.0000 units, now amount = 10.0000
day 40.0000, supplied 0.9053, now amount = 9.0947
day 41.0000, supplied 1.2982, now amount = 7.7965
day 42.0000, supplied 1.3458, now amount = 6.4508
day 43.0000, supplied 1.2357, now amount = 5.2151
day 44.0000, supplied 1.2822, now amount = 3.9329
day 45.0000, supplied 1.1809, now amount = 2.7519
day 46.0000, supplied 1.0891, now amount = 1.6629
day 47.0000, supplied 1.1926, now amount = 0.4702
day 48.0000, demand = 1.3927, shortfall = -0.9224
day 49.0000, demand = 1.2690, shortfall = -1.2690

Summary of results through end of day 49.0000:
average stock = 4.4581, cumulative stockout = 7.2894


from SimPy.Simulation import Process, activate, initialize, hold, now, simulate

class Message(Process):
    """A simple Process"""

    def __init__(self, i, len):
        Process.__init__(self, name='Message' + str(i))
        self.i = i
        self.len = len

    def go(self):
        print('%s %s %s' % (now(), self.i, 'Starting'))
        yield hold, self, 100.0
        print('%s %s %s' % (now(), self.i, 'Arrived'))

p1 = Message(1, 203)   # new message
activate(p1, p1.go())  # activate it
p2 = Message(2, 33)
activate(p2, p2.go(), at=6.0)
print('Current time is %s' % now())  # will print 106.0


0 1 Starting
6.0 2 Starting
100.0 1 Arrived
106.0 2 Arrived
Current time is 106.0


from SimPy.Simulation import Monitor
from random import expovariate

m = Monitor()        # define the Monitor object, m

for i in range(1000):    # make the observations
    y = expovariate(0.1)

# set up and return the completed histogram
h = m.histogram(low=0.0, high=20, nbins=30)


from SimPy.Simulation import (Process, Resource, activate, initialize, hold,
                              now, release, request, simulate)

class Client(Process):
    inClients = []     # list the clients in order by their requests
    outClients = []    # list the clients in order by completion of service

    def __init__(self, name):
        Process.__init__(self, name)

    def getserved(self, servtime, priority, myServer):
        print('%s requests 1 unit at t = %s' % (, now()))
        # request use of a resource unit
        yield request, self, myServer, priority
        yield hold, self, servtime
        # release the resource
        yield release, self, myServer
        print('%s done at t = %s' % (, now()))


# the next line creates the ``server`` Resource object
server = Resource(capacity=2)  # server defaults to qType==FIFO

# the next lines create some Client process objects
c1, c2 = Client(name='c1'), Client(name='c2')
c3, c4 = Client(name='c3'), Client(name='c4')
c5, c6 = Client(name='c5'), Client(name='c6')

# in the next lines each client requests
# one of the ``server``'s Resource units
activate(c1, c1.getserved(servtime=100, priority=1, myServer=server))
activate(c2, c2.getserved(servtime=100, priority=2, myServer=server))
activate(c3, c3.getserved(servtime=100, priority=3, myServer=server))
activate(c4, c4.getserved(servtime=100, priority=4, myServer=server))
activate(c5, c5.getserved(servtime=100, priority=5, myServer=server))
activate(c6, c6.getserved(servtime=100, priority=6, myServer=server))


print('Request order: %s' % Client.inClients)
print('Service order: %s' % Client.outClients)


c1 requests 1 unit at t = 0
c2 requests 1 unit at t = 0
c3 requests 1 unit at t = 0
c4 requests 1 unit at t = 0
c5 requests 1 unit at t = 0
c6 requests 1 unit at t = 0
c1 done at t = 100
c2 done at t = 100
c3 done at t = 200
c4 done at t = 200
c5 done at t = 300
c6 done at t = 300
Request order: ['c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5', 'c6']
Service order: ['c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5', 'c6']

Resource monitor

from math import sqrt
from SimPy.Simulation import (Monitor, Process, Resource, activate, initialize,
                              hold, now, release, request, simulate)

class Client(Process):
    inClients = []
    outClients = []

    def __init__(self, name):
        Process.__init__(self, name)

    def getserved(self, servtime, myServer):
        print('%s requests 1 unit at t = %s' % (, now()))
        yield request, self, myServer
        yield hold, self, servtime
        yield release, self, myServer
        print('%s done at t = %s' % (, now()))


server = Resource(capacity=1, monitored=True, monitorType=Monitor)

c1, c2 = Client(name='c1'), Client(name='c2')
c3, c4 = Client(name='c3'), Client(name='c4')

activate(c1, c1.getserved(servtime=100, myServer=server))
activate(c2, c2.getserved(servtime=100, myServer=server))
activate(c3, c3.getserved(servtime=100, myServer=server))
activate(c4, c4.getserved(servtime=100, myServer=server))


print('(TimeAverage no. waiting: %s' % server.waitMon.timeAverage())
print('(Number) Average no. waiting: %.4f' % server.waitMon.mean())
print('(Number) Var of no. waiting: %.4f' % server.waitMon.var())
print('(Number) SD of no. waiting: %.4f' % sqrt(server.waitMon.var()))
print('(TimeAverage no. in service: %s' % server.actMon.timeAverage())
print('(Number) Average no. in service: %.4f' % server.actMon.mean())
print('(Number) Var of no. in service: %.4f' % server.actMon.var())
print('(Number) SD of no. in service: %.4f' % sqrt(server.actMon.var()))
print('=' * 40)
print('Time history for the "server" waitQ:')
print('[time, waitQ]')
for item in server.waitMon:
print('=' * 40)
print('Time history for the "server" activeQ:')
print('[time, activeQ]')
for item in server.actMon:


c1 requests 1 unit at t = 0
c2 requests 1 unit at t = 0
c3 requests 1 unit at t = 0
c4 requests 1 unit at t = 0
c1 done at t = 100
c2 done at t = 200
c3 done at t = 300
c4 done at t = 400

(TimeAverage no. waiting: 1.5
(Number) Average no. waiting: 1.2857
(Number) Var of no. waiting: 1.0612
(Number) SD of no. waiting: 1.0302
(TimeAverage no. in service: 1.0
(Number) Average no. in service: 0.4444
(Number) Var of no. in service: 0.2469
(Number) SD of no. in service: 0.4969
Time history for the "server" waitQ:
[time, waitQ]
[0, 0]
[0, 1]
[0, 2]
[0, 3]
[100, 2]
[200, 1]
[300, 0]
Time history for the "server" activeQ:
[time, activeQ]
[0, 0]
[0, 1]
[100, 0]
[100, 1]
[200, 0]
[200, 1]
[300, 0]
[300, 1]
[400, 0]


from SimPy.Simulation import (Process, initialize, activate, simulate,
                              hold, now, waituntil, stopSimulation)
import random

class Player(Process):

    def __init__(self, lives=1, name='ImaTarget'):
        Process.__init__(self, name)
        self.lives = lives
        # provide Player objects with a "damage" property
        self.damage = 0

    def life(self):
        self.message = 'Drat! Some %s survived Federation attack!' % \

        def killed():     # function testing for "damage > 5"
            return self.damage > 5

        while True:
            yield waituntil, self, killed
            self.lives -= 1
            self.damage = 0
            if self.lives == 0:
                self.message = '%s wiped out by Federation at \
                time %s!' % (, now())

class Federation(Process):

    def fight(self):                # simulate Federation operations
        print('Three %s attempting to escape!' % (
        while True:
            if random.randint(0, 10) < 2:  # check for hit on player
                target.damage += 1         # hit! increment damage to player
                if target.damage <= 5:     # target survives
                    print('Ha! %s hit! Damage= %i' %
                          (, target.damage))
                    if (target.lives - 1) == 0:
                        print('No more %s left!' % (
                        print('Now only %i %s left!' % (target.lives - 1,

            yield hold, self, 1

gameOver = 100
# create a Player object named "Romulans"
target = Player(lives=3, name='Romulans')
# create a Federation object
shooter = Federation()
activate(shooter, shooter.fight())

Example output, varies:

Three Romulans attempting to escape!
Ha! Romulans hit! Damage= 1
Ha! Romulans hit! Damage= 2
Ha! Romulans hit! Damage= 3
Ha! Romulans hit! Damage= 4
Ha! Romulans hit! Damage= 5
Now only 2 Romulans left!
Ha! Romulans hit! Damage= 1
Ha! Romulans hit! Damage= 2
Ha! Romulans hit! Damage= 3
Ha! Romulans hit! Damage= 4
Ha! Romulans hit! Damage= 5
Now only 1 Romulans left!
Ha! Romulans hit! Damage= 1
Ha! Romulans hit! Damage= 2
Drat! Some Romulans survived Federation attack!


from SimPy.Simulation import Process, activate, hold, initialize, simulate

class Customer(Process):
    def buy(self, budget=0):
        print('Here I am at the shops %s' %
        t = 5.0
        for i in range(4):
            yield hold, self, t
            # executed 4 times at intervals of t time units
            print('I just bought something %s' %
            budget -= 10.00
        print('All I have left is %s I am going home %s' % (budget,


# create a customer named "Evelyn",
C = Customer(name='Evelyn')

# and activate her with a budget of 100
activate(C,, at=10.0)



Here I am at the shops Evelyn
I just bought something Evelyn
I just bought something Evelyn
I just bought something Evelyn
I just bought something Evelyn
All I have left is 60.0 I am going home Evelyn


from SimPy.Simulation import (Lister, Process, Store, activate, get, hold,
                              initialize, now, put, simulate)

class ProducerD(Process):
    def __init__(self):

    def produce(self):  # the ProducerD PEM
        while True:
            yield put, self, buf, [Widget(9), Widget(7)]
            yield hold, self, 10

class ConsumerD(Process):
    def __init__(self):

    def consume(self):  # the ConsumerD PEM
        while True:
            toGet = 3
            yield get, self, buf, toGet
            assert len( == toGet
            print('%s Get widget weights %s' % (now(),
                                                [x.weight for x in]))
            yield hold, self, 11

class Widget(Lister):
    def __init__(self, weight=0):
        self.weight = weight

widgbuf = []
for i in range(10):


buf = Store(capacity=11, initialBuffered=widgbuf, monitored=True)

for i in range(3):  # define and activate 3 producer objects
    p = ProducerD()
    activate(p, p.produce())

for i in range(3):  # define and activate 3 consumer objects
    c = ConsumerD()
    activate(c, c.consume())


print('LenBuffer: %s' % buf.bufferMon)  # length of buffer
print('getQ: %s' % buf.getQMon)         # length of getQ
print('putQ %s' % buf.putQMon)          # length of putQ


0 Get widget weights [5, 5, 5]
0 Get widget weights [5, 5, 5]
0 Get widget weights [5, 5, 5]
11 Get widget weights [5, 9, 7]
11 Get widget weights [9, 7, 9]
11 Get widget weights [7, 9, 7]
22 Get widget weights [9, 7, 9]
22 Get widget weights [7, 9, 7]
22 Get widget weights [9, 7, 9]
33 Get widget weights [7, 9, 7]
33 Get widget weights [9, 7, 9]
40 Get widget weights [7, 9, 7]
44 Get widget weights [9, 7, 9]
50 Get widget weights [7, 9, 7]
LenBuffer: [[0, 10], [0, 7], [0, 9], [0, 11], [0, 8], [0, 10], [0, 7], [10, 9], [10, 11], [11, 8], [11, 10], [11, 7], [11, 4], [20, 6], [20, 8], [21, 10], [22, 7], [22, 4], [22, 1], [30, 3], [30, 5], [31, 7], [33, 4], [33, 1], [40, 3], [40, 0], [40, 2], [41, 4], [44, 1], [50, 3], [50, 0], [50, 2]]
getQ: [[0, 0], [33, 1], [40, 0], [44, 1], [50, 0]]
putQ [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3], [0, 2], [0, 1], [0, 0], [10, 1], [11, 0]]


from SimPy.Simulation import Tally
import random as r

t = Tally(name="myTally", ylab="wait time (sec)")
t.setHistogram(low=0.0, high=1.0, nbins=10)
for i in range(100000):


Histogram for myTally: 
Number of observations: 100000 
          wait time (sec) < 0.0000:      0 (cum:      0/  0.0%) 
0.0000 <= wait time (sec) < 0.1000:  10135 (cum:  10135/ 10.1%) 
0.1000 <= wait time (sec) < 0.2000:   9973 (cum:  20108/ 20.1%) 
0.2000 <= wait time (sec) < 0.3000:  10169 (cum:  30277/ 30.3%) 
0.3000 <= wait time (sec) < 0.4000:  10020 (cum:  40297/ 40.3%) 
0.4000 <= wait time (sec) < 0.5000:  10126 (cum:  50423/ 50.4%) 
0.5000 <= wait time (sec) < 0.6000:   9866 (cum:  60289/ 60.3%) 
0.6000 <= wait time (sec) < 0.7000:   9910 (cum:  70199/ 70.2%) 
0.7000 <= wait time (sec) < 0.8000:   9990 (cum:  80189/ 80.2%) 
0.8000 <= wait time (sec) < 0.9000:   9852 (cum:  90041/ 90.0%) 
0.9000 <= wait time (sec) < 1.0000:   9959 (cum: 100000/100.0%) 
1.0000 <= wait time (sec)         :      0 (cum: 100000/100.0%)

Second tally example:

from SimPy.Simulation import Tally
from random import expovariate

r = Tally('Tally')  # define a tally object, r
               low=0.0, high=20.0, nbins=30)  # set before observations

for i in range(1000):    # make the observations
    y = expovariate(0.1)

h = r.getHistogram()     # return the completed histogram